Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Zeer Pots at Chitvan, Kanha

Zeer pot, is actually two unglazed earthenware pots, one pot smaller then the other. The smaller pot is put inside the bigger one, the space in between is filled with sand, the sand is made wet with water, twice a day, and a wet cloth is put on top of the pots to keep off the warm air from entering the pots. In this way, fresh produce can be kept for long periods of time without the need for electricity, refrigerators or camping coolers made high embodied energy. Eggplants will keep good upto 27 days instead of three. The zeer keeps our water (and other liquid beverages) at about 15 degrees Celsius. This has reduced our consuption of elctricity to a considerable extent in the kitchen for storage purposes. So our efforts to combat global warming continue in small little ways.

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