1.NAVPATHARA Tigress - Tigress of 07 years moving with 03 cubs of 02 yrs out of which 2 are female and 1 is male. This female covers an area of approx 25sq km and seems to be of very shy nature. Mostly sighted around Nawpathra road and Aurai meadow.
2.Harradadar Tigress - This 5 yrs old tigress covers the territory around Algidadar and Bamnidadar, and sometimes sightted in the non tourism area around Bhesanghat,covers an area of about 20 sq km. Though shy in nature but sighted quite regularly. No litter reported so far.
3.Mahaveer Tigress – This beautiful Tigress is like a queen. Very popular in the area and carrying a litter of 3 cubs of 4 to 5 months and sighted off and own with the cubs. If she is alone then gives a good sighting. Covers Andhkuan, Mowala ,Kiwardabra and Jamjhola region, territory of 35 sq kms. The 02 cubs of its last litter a male and a female are successfully separated from her and for the time being sharing their mothers territory .
4.Queen Minkur Tigress – One of the very successful tigress have seen the sal forest shedding its leaves for the 12 th time this year, looks still pretty healthy even after loosing the upper left canine. The 03 cubs of its last litter one male & two females are separated from her and still found sharing their mother’s territory . Minkur is very shy to face the safari jeeps but it is been noticed that she loves to be seen from the elephants back and stays around for longer during the Tiger show. Hence called the “Tokan wali Mada” also. Minkur coveres area of about 40sq kms.
5.Minkur’s badi beti- This young tigress of 04 years is sighted during the jeep safaris and also very often during the Tiger show also. She is a very successful predator in the Mukki zone and mostly sighted with her kill. Stiil sharing Mother’s territory as mentioned above.
6.Minkur”s choti beti- This 4 years old tigress from Minkur’s same litter is comparatively shy and generally sighted around Bisanpura meadows that lies under her mother’s territory.
7.Minkur’s Beta – This 4 years old sub adult still hesitates to face the tourists, sighted occasionally and has not yet established his own territory, still sharing his mother’s territory.
8.Minkur’s elder Beta – This 5.5 years male from queen’s previous litter seems to be very shy and still keeps hiding in mother’s territory. Rarely sighted. and the reason could be a big fear, since his two sisters were killed by the other transient male in front of him.
9.Chimta Camp Male – This handsome, a bold male of 09 years covers the area of Baba Thenga and Jila line in Mukki Zonne and also covers Nakti Ghati, Raja Kachar and Chimta camp are in Kisli Zone too. All together covers about 45 sq kms. This daring male has also been found hunting on the largest Indian Bovine the Indian Gaur(Bos gaurus).
10. Mahaveer’s Beta – This 3 year old male has just established his own territory of about 30 sq km in mothers territory only. Generally sighted by the Jeeps. Sharing territory with his own sister from the same litter.
11. Mahaveer’s Beti- This three years old female also seen sharing mother’s territory with his brother even after getting separated from the mother. Comparatively less sighted after the separation.
Vijay Joshi / Sanjay (Naturalists at Chitvan)